Ecosistema de Setenil de las Bodegas

Ecosistema de Setenil de las Bodegas

Ecosistema de Setenil de las BodegasSetenil de las Bodegas, located in the province of Cádiz, Spain, is known for its unique natural ecosystem. Here are the instructions to follow regarding the natural ecosystem of Setenil de las Bodegas ⠆ 🠺

Principales plantas y árboles autóctonos (Main native plants and trees) ⠆ 🠺
– Encina (Holm oak)
– Alcornoque (Cork oak)
– Quejigo (Turkey oak)
– Pino piñonero (Stone pine)
– Lentisco (Mastic tree)
– Madroño (Strawberry tree)
– Acebuche (Wild olive tree)
– Algarrobo (Carob tree)
– Jara (Rockrose)
– Romero (Rosemary)

Principales animales mamíferos (Main mammal species) ⠆ 🠺
– Zorro (Fox)
– Jabalí (Wild boar)
– Ciervo (Deer)
– Conejo (Rabbit)
– Murciélago (Bat)
– Gineta (Genet)
– Comadreja (Weasel)
– Nutria (Otter)
– Gato montés (Wildcat)

Principales aves (Main bird species) ⠆ 🠺
– Águila real (Golden eagle)
– Buitre leonado (Griffon vulture)
– Cernícalo (Kestrel)
– Alimoche (Egyptian vulture)
– Lechuza (Barn owl)
– Mirlo (Blackbird)
– Ruiseñor (Nightingale)
– Abejaruco (Bee-eater)
– Cigüeña (Stork)

Principales animales acuáticos e insectos (Main aquatic animals and insects) ⠆ 🠺
– Nutria (Otter)
– Rana común (Common frog)
– Libélula (Dragonfly)
– Mariposa (Butterfly)
– Caracol de agua dulce (Freshwater snail)
– Mosquito (Mosquito)
– Abeja (Bee)
– Escarabajo (Beetle)
– Salamandra (Salamander)

Tipo de paisaje y entorno natural (Type of landscape and natural environment) ⠆ 🠺
Setenil de las Bodegas is characterized by a rugged landscape with limestone cliffs and caves. The town is nestled in a valley surrounded by mountains, creating a picturesque setting. The natural environment is rich in biodiversity and offers a mix of Mediterranean vegetation and rocky formations.

Ríos, playas y pantanos de la zona (Rivers, beaches, and marshes in the area) ⠆ 🠺
Setenil de las Bodegas is not located directly on the coast, so it does not have beaches. However, it is close to the Guadalporcún River, which flows through the nearby town of Ronda. There are no significant marshes in the immediate vicinity.

Montañas y otros accidentes geográficos (Mountains and other geographical features) ⠆ 🠺
The town is surrounded by several mountains and geological formations, including ⠆ 🠺
– Sierra de Grazalema ⠆ 🠺 A mountain range known for its limestone peaks and deep gorges.
– Sierra de las Nieves ⠆ 🠺 A biosphere reserve with rugged mountains and diverse flora and fauna.
– Tajo de Ronda ⠆ 🠺 A dramatic gorge that separates the old and new parts of the town of Ronda.
– Cueva del Hundidero ⠆ 🠺 A cave system located in the Sierra de Grazalema, known for its underground river.

By following these instructions, you will have a good understanding of the natural ecosystem, plants, trees, animals, landscape, and geographical features of Setenil de las Bodegas, Cádiz.

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