Coral tree (Erythrina abyssinica)

Coral tree (Erythrina abyssinica)

Nombre común: Coral tree

Nombre científico: Erythrina abyssinica

Índice de datos sobre Coral tree (Erythrina abyssinica)

Información sobre Coral tree (Erythrina abyssinica)

Erythrina abyssinica, also known as the Coral tree, is a flowering plant species that belongs to the Fabaceae family. It is a deciduous tree that can reach heights of 1015 meters, with a spread of 510 meters. It is native to eastern Africa, particularly in countries like Ethiopia, Kenya, Uganda, and Tanzania.

This tree is classified as a tropical and subtropical species, and it thrives in a variety of ecosystems, including woodland, grassland, and riverine habitats. It generally prefers welldrained, fertile soils and can tolerate both full sun and partial shade.

The Coral tree is welladapted to warm climates, and it thrives in locations with temperatures ranging from 18°C to 30°C. It is also relatively droughttolerant and can survive in areas with limited water availability.

In terms of cultivation and care, Erythrina abyssinica requires regular watering, especially during the dry season, and benefits from the addition of organic mulch to retain moisture. Pruning is recommended to maintain its shape and remove dead or damaged branches.

The Coral tree has several uses, including as an ornamental tree in gardens and parks, as a source of shade, and for its potential as a timber species. Additionally, its vibrant red flowers attract pollinators, and the seeds can be used as a food source for livestock. In traditional medicine, various parts of the tree are used to treat a range of ailments.

Overall, Erythrina abyssinica is a valuable and versatile tree species with cultural, ecological, and economic significance in its native range.

Hemos visto sobre el Coral tree:

Tipo es la planta Erythrina abyssinica
Tamaño de la planta Erythrina abyssinica
Variedad de la planta Erythrina abyssinica
Dónde crece la planta Erythrina abyssinica
Las condiciones que necesita para vivir la planta Erythrina abyssinica
Clima en el que vive la planta Erythrina abyssinica
Origen y países donde es más común la planta Erythrina abyssinica
Cómo se cultiva la planta Erythrina abyssinica y qué cuidados necesita
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