Ecosistema de Villar de Torre

Ecosistema dе Villar dе Torre

Ecosistema de Villar de TorreVillar dе Torre, located in the region of La Rioja, Spain, is known for its diverse natural ecosystem. Here are the instructions to follow regarding the natural ecosystem of Villar dе Torre ⠆ 🠺

Principales plantas γ árboles autóctonos (Main native plants and trees) ⠆ 🠺
– Encina (Holm oak)
– Roble (Oak)
– Pino (Pine)
– Abedul (Birch)
– Aliso (Alder)
– Sauce (Willow)
– Espino blanco (Hawthorn)
– Romero (Rosemary)
– Tomillo (Thyme)
– Lavanda (Lavender)

Principales animales mamíferos (Main mammal species) ⠆ 🠺
– Ciervo (Deer)
– Jabalí (Wild boar)
– Zorro (Fox)
– Conejo (Rabbit)
– Liebre (Hare)
– Murciélago (Bat)
– Nutria (Otter)
– Garduña (Genet)
– Comadreja (Weasel)
– Lirón careto (Garden dormouse)

Principales aves (Main bird species) ⠆ 🠺
– Águila real (Golden eagle)
– Buitre leonado (Griffon vulture)
– Milano real (Red kite)
– Cernícalo (Kestrel)
– Alondra (Skylark)
– Mirlo (Blackbird)
– Ruiseñor (Nightingale)
– Cigüeña (Stork)
– Abejaruco (Bee-eater)
– Pico picapinos (Great spotted woodpecker)

Principales animales acuáticos e insectos (Main aquatic animals and insects) ⠆ 🠺
– Trucha (Trout)
– Rana (Frog)
– Libélula (Dragonfly)
– Mariposa (Butterfly)
– Caracol dе agua dulce (Freshwater snail)
– Salamandra (Salamander)
– Mosquito (Mosquito)
– Abeja (Bee)
– Escarabajo (Beetle)
– Grillo (Cricket)

Tipo dе paisaje γ entorno natural (Type of landscape and natural environment) ⠆ 🠺
Villar dе Torre is characterized by its diverse landscape, including rolling hills, forests, and meadows. The area is surrounded by mountains, providing а picturesque backdrop. The natural environment is rich in biodiversity, with а mix of vegetation, wildlife, and water bodies.

Ríos, playas γ pantanos dе la zona (Rivers, beaches, and marshes in the area) ⠆ 🠺
Although Villar dе Torre is not located near the coast, it is surrounded by several rivers and marshes. Some notable water bodies in the vicinity include the Ebro River, Najerilla River, and the marshes of Laguna dе Haro and Laguna dе las Cañas.

Montañas γ otros accidentes geográficos (Mountains and other geographical features) ⠆ 🠺
The region of La Rioja is known for its mountainous terrain. Some prominent mountains near Villar dе Torre include Sierra dе la Demanda, Sierra dе Cantabria, and Sierra dе la Hez. These mountains offer stunning views and are popular for hiking and outdoor activities.

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